While probably not the first homebrew mechanic used in the campaign, it was certainly the one with the greatest impact.
Middle Earth was home to a great number of improbable events scaling from large to small which shaped the destinies of both the characters and the world ( is that there a ring of power I just stumbled upon in the dark?). Dungeons and dragons 3.5 sadly does not come fully equipped to handle that, except by dungeon master interference. That is sometimes hard to balance and keep impartial.
The solution?
Middle Earth was home to a great number of improbable events scaling from large to small which shaped the destinies of both the characters and the world ( is that there a ring of power I just stumbled upon in the dark?). Dungeons and dragons 3.5 sadly does not come fully equipped to handle that, except by dungeon master interference. That is sometimes hard to balance and keep impartial.
The solution?